I live in Atlanta, GA where my life largely revolves around four areas: my local church and denomination; my family; my vocation; and other interests (climbing mountains/hiking, history, Scripture & theology, and teaching/exhorting/witnessing). I find that these four areas of life are often intertwined and overlapping.

While I love to write, I regularly wreak havoc of the English language. By God’s kindness He gave me a good and virtuous wife who not only can laugh at my typos, grammar issues, and spelling problems, but graciously edits some of my blog posts before publishing. She has spent many late nights and early mornings proofreading for me and I cannot thank her enough for her tireless labors on behalf of presenting legible devotionals for the people of God to be built up by His Word. Any typos found in your reading are likely the result of my unintentional skipping of my wife’s edits or posting without her editing. Never hesitate to drop me a note with a correction.

The wise kings admonishes his son that “of making many books there is no end…” How much more do we see this with blogs? So why have another blog? While there are countless Reformed and theological blogs in existence and even entire websites dedicated to categorizing, highlighting, and promoting these blogs, there seem to be few blogs written by ruling elders for the benefit of all within the church.

While this blog may discuss theological debates taking place primarily in academia or within a presbytery, the primary intention is simply to bring the reader a small taste of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God which are revealed in the Scripture of the Old and New Testament. Sometime you will find a series of blogs on a specific passage of Scriptures and other times on themes of Scripture found over many passages. My hope is that this blog will comfort, encourage, instruct, convict, and altogether build up the Christian reader in the most precious faith that has been once delivered to the Saints. I also pray that the Lord would use this blog to the benefit of bringing unbelievers to Salvation, into the Kingdom of God, and membership in a local part of the body of Jesus Christ, the church.

Occasionally, to break up the routine of the blog, I will plan to bring personal accounts of various hiking and mountaineering adventures into the blog for the Christian must gain refreshment in the race lest he or she grow weary in the fight and become unprofitable.



For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

II Corinthians 5:21