"The Lord, He is God," now available in e-book and paperback format

God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds

Hebrews 1:1-2




The first great proposition of Scripture: God Is. The second great proposition follows: God revealed Himself to man.

The Deist

The deist believes God is the supreme being but also the great unknown. He is transcendent but has not revealed Himself to men. They confess God is high and lifted up but reject revelation from God to man. Christians confess that God is high and lifted up. He is first and above all. But where the deists immediately stops at God’s transcendence, the Christian cannot and must stop for God does not stop there. The Christian confesses that God who is high and lifted up has sent from Heaven to save men (Psalm 57). This is the second great proposition of the Christian faith, religion, and theology, God revealed Himself to men.

God who is transcendent is also immanent. He came to men. He visited men. He took on flesh. He did not reveal everything about Himself for God is incomprehensible in that not all has been revealed. The finite creature cannot fully comprehend the infinite. What did He reveal? What you and I are to believe concerning God and what duty God requires of man! (See Westminster Shorter Catechism question #3) All that was necessary for saving faith in Jesus Christ and holy living before Him has been revealed to us.

How did God reveal Himself to us?

God revealed Himself to us in two ways. First is that way common to all men. God revealed Himself in creation. The Heavens declare the glory of God… (Psalm 19:1). This is the general revelation of God.

But what we could learn of God in creation was His eternal power and Godhead (Romans 1:20). There is nothing in creation that shows us the way to escape the great condemnation of death rightly upon us for the guilt and penalty of our sin.

Thankfully God did not limit the revelation of Himself in the general revelation of creation only. He also revealed Himself in the Scripture. God spoke!

Great News

I cannot speak for you so I will speak for myself. I have heard many good reports in my life. I heard my wife answer “yes” when I asked her to marry me. I heard the healthy crying of our newborn children. I have heard parents weeping for joy that their children are alive when that very morning they had intended to murder them at an abortion mill. I heard loved ones and friends confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus! But here is the greatest thing that I have ever heard in all my life. The God of glory and eternity spoke to me.

I do not need to search for God or reason my way to Him, He has come to me truthfully in His Word and done something marvelous… He has told me how this wretched man of flesh and blood can be made right with God and have eternal life through Jesus Christ alone. This is glorious! I do not need to contemplate under the trees or even on a tall mountain. I do not need to search the heights of the heavens or explore the depths of the ocean. God has brought His Word very near to me and to you today. He has spoken in the Bible that you and I might know Him and have everlasting life. Let Him who glories, glory in the Lord!

I suspect everyone reading this has heard and perhaps even believes that God has spoken in His Word. Do you see the revelation of God in the Bible as the tremendous blessing that it is? God! I AM! Jehovah has spoken to the world, His people, and to you personally. Is His name, message, and Word dull to your ears? If it is you must plead with God for help in this hour of salvation. Before God and His glory, we are to tremble in adoration, reverent awe, and worship. When God revealed Himself to Moses, Moses fell down before Him. Even the angels cover their faces. Ezekiel and Daniel those great prophets became like dead men before God.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has spoken and revealed Himself to you in the whole of the Bible. As you open the Scripture you are on Holy Ground. Tremble before Him! Adore Him. Give all glory to Him. Give all reverence to Him. Give your attention to Him. Listen to Him who speaks, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ who spoke, praise Him who continues to speak through His living Word the Bible!

God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets…








Copyright ©, LikeTheGreatMountains.com, 2022

1 Comment

8. In These Last Days – Like The Great Mountains · May 5, 2023 at 2:33 am

[…] verse of Hebrews. The first great proposition of theology and the Christian faith is this: God is. The second great proposition that God is this: God has revealed Himself to man. The Word spoken by God is unlike any other word […]

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