God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets
Hebrews 1:1
God has spoken to us, what must we do?
Listen to Him. Here is the call to action of this book of Hebrews. Listen to God! What will He say? He will reveal the glorious, powerful, living, enduring truths of Himself. But we must listen! Oh that my people had listened unto me, cried the Psalmist, then would God have subdued their enemies (Psalm 87:13). If we do not listen or if we stop listening we will perish.
See then that we do not refuse Him who speaks – For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven. (Hebrews 12:25-29).
Today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. The God of all glory is speaking in His Word. He is above all, before all, over all, for He alone is God and there is no other! He is the self-existent God. This is the first proposition of the Christian faith and the second is related, that this great God revealed Himself in creation in this greatest and glorious manner, by speaking to us.
Will you not listen to Him? Listen to God who speaks to you for He brings a message of life and the power of life to those that will repent and believe. He brings a message of death and the power of death to those who are soon perishing.
Look to Him. There is a great heresy taking place in quiet around the evangelical world. It is the heresy of unbelief manifested again in this way – through the denial of the power of God. It appears in many ways and in many fashions but it ultimately has at its core a denial that Word of God is sufficient to change lives or to meet the needs of men and women boys and girls in all areas of faith and practice.
It manifests itself in evangelism – “God doesn’t want you to deny your inclinations and feelings, just don’t act physically upon them.” “God will keep you struggling with the same sins all your life, don’t expect deliverance but be joyful anyway.” “You are not really that bad, you are just the victim of ideologies and external factors of which you have no control.”
Have we forgotten the power of God and His living Word? Have we forgotten that God has spoken to us living oracles from Heaven and that living Word is dividing soul and spirit, bone and marrow, searching into the very heart of man and woman, and able even to give new birth to one who was born of His mother long ago?
Have we forgotten that when God said to pray lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil He was not playing games with us but telling us to pray in faith for He is the living God who leads His people from their sins and even their sinful temptation?
Have we forgotten that He is able to conquer particular sins and we should ask Him to do so. I do not know if the drug addict will wallow in drugs all the days of His life but I do know this, my God is all powerful to save the drug addict and deliver him not only from the guilt and penalty of sin but also from the power of sin. That’s our God. He is all powerful! Look to Him by Faith! Read His Word!
There are many in our day who have a form of godliness but deny the Power of God. We must have this foundation absolutely certain in our hearts and minds, we must be convinced of it by faith, that the Word of God has been spoken to us in the Scripture. It is powerful, enduring, and living, just as the one who spoke it is the Powerful, Eternal, Living God. Trust in Christ Alone!
Live by God’s Word found only in the Scripture. If an angel from heaven should tell you any other gospel than the gospel of the Scripture let Him be accursed. If an angel from heaven tell you they heard Jesus speak something to them from heaven outside of the Scripture, resist it.
The famine of the reading and knowledge of the living and breathing Word of God has led countless thousands to look elsewhere for the Word of God. They look to those men and women who tell them the secret revelation of God supposedly written in another book or appearing from a dream. Many of these stories have become best sellers. You may have some of these in your homes, on your coffee table, or by your bed.
The Word God has spoken was given long ago through the prophets and in these last days through the Son. It is not now going out again through new prophets. Christ is not revealing Himself through new means, not even through crowdsource video series’ like Chosen. Those things are breaking God’s commandments, idolatrous and deceitful at best, soul destroying at their worst.
God has spoken, in the Scripture of the Old and New Testament. The Bible alone is the living and true Word and nothing else. God speaks to you through it by His Holy Spirit. Listen to Him, look to Him, and live by Him.
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