So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
II Kings 6:16 NKJV
During a college summer break, my brother, a friend, and I spent a Saturday at the beach where we swam in the ocean much of the afternoon. At some point the current pulled my friend and me out further from the shore and we had to swim and float as we could no longer stand. When my friend put his foot down to stand and realized he could not (though he had been swimming fine) he immediately panicked and began to thrash wildly in the water in the early stages of drowning. When I attempted to calm him down and help him, he grabbed on to me and pushed me under the water. I had to swim away from him rather than be drowned. While my brother saw the problem and went for the lifeguards my friend and I repeated this routine several times. I lifted him up for air, he pushed me under, I swam away and he began to go under again all the while he screamed, thrashed, and consumed salt water. Thanks to my brother’s quick understanding of the situation, the lifeguards arrived on a jet ski and pulled my friend to shallow water. I learned a valuable lesson about fear that day in the ocean: When captured by fear, logic, reason, and faith seem to vanish.
My Pastor, Zecharias Weldeyesus, has recently been teaching our church during Sunday School about fear and the Sovereignty of God. He has helpfully described fear like a prison for the soul. Captured by fear the Christian quickly falls into sin. Fear of what is happening or could happen in a given situation is a great enemy. Just the word “fear” brings to mind those things that we believe will bring us harm. Fear is an emotion, so strong that it can keep us from trusting the Lord in a dreaded situation. In battle as the enemy approaches, fear can take hold of a man so that he cannot aim his weapon or respond to orders. The fear of drowning can send a swimmer, like my friend, into panic and shock. Rather than reach out and take hold of a life preserver they may drown because of their fear. Fear of failure and loss causes us to doubt God. Fear of disease can keep us shut in our homes for many months even forsaking the assembly of God’s people.
The Lord is not surprised by terrors that come upon us. Scripture describes many fearful situations. Peter sinking into the waves during a storm at night (Matt. 14). A child sick and dying (Mark 6). Wicked men stoning believers for their faith (Acts 7). An enemy army surrounding a small town (II Kings 6). Yet in each of these historical events the Lord Jesus and his prophets quickly command, “Do not fear,” “Do not be afraid.” Fear is a common response from the world to uncertain situations (“The wicked flee when no one pursues…” Prov. 28:1.), but the Christian must resist and refrain from fear.
We cannot walk by faith in the Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ and fear what might come to pass at any moment. Jesus is all powerful, restraining and conquering all His and our enemies, has foreordained whatsoever comes to pass, preserves, provides for, and protects us, is reigning in glory, and will never leave or forsake us. When we live in fear we stop believing in God as He truly is – Sovereign, preserving and governing all His creatures and all their actions. .
When the servant of Elisha looked out in fear at the surrounding Syrian army and was prepared to give up all hope, Elisha responded immediately, “Do not fear.” Before any explanation or hope could be given for the situation, (and there is an abundance of hope in the Lord) first the servant had to come out of his prison of fear. In fear and terror, like a man who is drowning, no words, shouts, or logical explanation will help. Walking by faith in the Lord and free of fear, then the words of explanation and comfort may be given and received.
You and I are surrounded on every side and tempted by the world, the devil, and the flesh to fear everything that comes to pass. As we consider the multitude of reasons not to fear, first let us do as Elisha commanded and put an end to fear.
“Say to those who are fearful-hearted, be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God; He will come and save you” Isaiah 35:4.
Copyright ©,, 2020
1 Comment
Al · January 5, 2021 at 2:33 am
Great thoughts on fear.
May the Lord give us strength not to succomb to fear.