And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.

Matthew 25:10

More than 2,000 years ago when Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus, few were looking for the coming of the Messiah. Nevertheless a few shepherds in the field and wise men from the East were doing just that and went to worship Him. As Jesus’ ministry began not many recognized Him but some did, left their nets and tax collecting and followed Him, of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote – Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph (John 1:45).

Since the day the Lord ascended up to heaven, wise Christians have been looking for Christ to descend from heaven. During times of empire wide persecution Christians endured and held to the faith knowing that even if killed they would be in Heaven with the Lord. While they lived, the Lord’s return was drawing nearer. To live was Christ, to die was gain. They couldn’t wait for the Lord to return!

The world cannot understand such a stance because it has never found an abiding treasure. It moves from god to god, from fad to fad, from sin to sin, because each one promises satisfaction and delivers nothing. So they move on to the next. If the world’s promises were compared to bread and water, they would always leave their partakers hungry and thirsty. When satisfaction is pursued from the place that is passing away, it will never be found. It cannot be found. It is like searching for snow at the equator. It’s not there. Nevertheless, the temptation to relentlessly pursue the lusts of the world can seam great. Dressing up the fleeting as lasting treasure, sin deceives the foolish before vanishing like mist.

When persecution subsided in the fourth century, the outlook changed for Christians. Life on earth became easier, opportunities became great, and some started to look for glory on Earth. Seventeen centuries later the climate is unchanged. The devil, the world, the flesh relentlessly pursue the simple, dangling the promises of abiding satisfaction from those things that cannot last. Though death is quickly approaching the temporary things are pursued with constant vigor while eternal things are suppressed. The end draws nearer, few think about it, fewer look forward to it.

In spite of all the world had to offer, the wise virgins still eagerly awaited the return of the Savior and so must we. The great cloud of witnesses in Hebrews 11 did not keep their eyes on the perishing cities of the world but looked forward to the eternal city whose builder and maker is God. In Christ alone is purest pleasure and He remains the Christian’s priceless treasure. Our greatest concern ought to be nothing less than the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14) as it was for the wise virgins.

What water are you drinking today? What bread are you eating? Those that drink of the living water which Christ gives and the bread of eternal life, will never hunger and thirst again. That’s the bread and water I want! That’s the bread and water that Christians have always wanted! That’s the bread and water we have today if we have Christ as our own through faith in His blood. The things of the world will dim as the glory of Christ and eternal life in Him increases.

Whatever trials and blessings may come, may the wise virgins remind you that wise Christians still count all things as loss that they might know God and the power of His resurrection. Wise Christians still look forward to Christ’s return!

Do you?






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